Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Act 2013 (Commencement and Transitional Provisions) Order 2013 (S.S.I No. 249 (C. 16) of 2013).
Type of law
This Order makes transitional provision in respect of sections 49(3) and 56(3) of the Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Act 2013 which, respectively, insert new section 4A into the Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Act 1984 and new section 3A into the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967. Those provisions apply in respect of criminal proceedings under those Acts and allow the court to infer that an offence has been committed where certain facts are proved. The effect is to apply those new provisions only in respect of offences which have been committed on or after the appointed day of entry into force as established by this Order.
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Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment