Countryside Stewardship (England) Regulations 2020 (S.I. No. 41 of 2020).
Type of law
These Regulations, made under section 98 of the Environment Act 1995, establish a scheme (the Countryside Stewardship ) under which the Secretary of State may make grants for the management of land and grants to promote cooperation between land managers. Grants may be made to any eligible person who enters into, and complies with, the conditions of a countryside stewardship agreement or to any qualified person who enters into, and complies with, the conditions of a facilitation agreement. The Regulations also provide for inspections for the purpose of verifying that an agreement holder under these Regulations has complied with the terms and conditions of their agreement. An activity or activities the agreement holder is required to carry out are listed in Parts 2 or 3 of the Schedule. Management activities concern, among others, creating protection and feeding zones are for wildlife, protection o habitats, protection of historic environment and landscape, soil and water management, the protection of wetlands and organic farming.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment