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Diseases of Poultry (Scotland) Order 2003 (S.S.I. No. 354 of 2003).

Type of law


This Order, like the Directives it implements, now applies to ratites. It also extends provisions in article 5A of the 1994 Order (relating to inspection powers and movement restrictions) to diseases of birds and to species of birds not covered by the Directives. These provisions are set out in article 7 of this Order. Articles 1 to 3 of the Order contain introductory and interpretation provisions. Article 4 provides for the notification of designated diseases and for the taking of precautionary measures when disease is suspected. Article 5 sets out restrictions which may apply if a designated disease is suspected or known to exist. Article 6 provides for veterinary inquiry into the existence of a designated disease. Article 7 sets out restrictions which apply where poultry or other birds are suspected of having been exposed to the risk of disease. Article 8 provides for veterinary inquiry as to the possible existence of disease. Article 9 provides for the measures to be taken where a designated disease is confirmed. The restrictions referred to in articles 4, 5 and 9 are set out in Schedule 1. Article 10 sets out the duties of occupiers and persons in charge of premises served with a notice under the Order. Article 11 provides for the declaration by the Scottish Ministers of an infected area where disease has been confirmed. The restrictions applicable in an infected area are set out in Schedule 2. Article 12 allows the Scottish Ministers to require vaccination of poultry. Article 13 sets out restrictions applicable to racing pigeons. Article 14 contains provisions on cleansing and disinfection. Article 15 relates to the keeping of records and article 16 to licences and notices. Article 17 sets out the general powers of veterinary inspectors under the Order. Article 18 provides for the Order to be enforced generally by local authorities.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Coming into force on 10 July 2003.
Made under the Animal Health Act 1981.The Diseases of Poultry Order 1994 (S.I. 1994/3141) and the Diseases of Poultry (Amendment) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/150), are both revoked by this Order, insofar as they apply to Scotland.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment