Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 (S.R. No. 296 of 1999).
Type of law
These Regulations consolidate with amendments the Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982 as amended and implement in Northern Ireland in full, a list of specified European Community Directives concerning control of feeding stuffs. Changes made by the Regulations are as follows: (a) certain provisions in Directive 76/371/EC on sampling of feeding stuffs are now fully implemented (regulation 3 and Schedule 1); (b) EC requirements as to sampling of feeding stuffs contained in Article 18.3 of Directive 95/53/EC are implemented (reg. 3 and Schedule 1); (c) parallel EC requirements as to analysis of feeding stuffs contained in that Article are implemented (reg. 5 and Schedule 2); (d) in accordance with new EC requirements: (i) previous EC methods of analysis relating to the detection of lupin alkaloids and the determination of thiamine, ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid are excluded, as are EC methods for starch (pancreatic method), volatile mustard oil, theobromine, vitamin A and vitamin K3 (menadione), (ii) a new method of analysis for the determination of amino acids is added and a revised method for oils and fats substituted for the existing one, and (iii) procedures on the detection and estimation of animal constituents in feeding stuffs are introduced, (reg. 5 and Schedule 2); (e) particular national methods of analysis relating to magnesium (gravimetric method) and calcium (atomic absorption method) are no longer covered (reg. 5 and Schedule 2).
Attached files
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
Coming into force on 2 August, 1999.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Amended by