Flood Warning Strategy 2012 to 2016.
Type of law
The Flood Warning Strategy 2012 to 2016 (the Strategy) has been produced to help deliver Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) strategic vision of the flood warning service over the coming four years. Specifically the service vision is: SEPA will provide a flood warning service which helps Scottish communities and responders to take action, tackle flooding together and reduce the impact that flooding could have on lives through maintaining and increasing our capabilities as a respected and influential flood warning authority.
The Strategy has been developed around seven strategic areas defined to maintain and strengthen SEPA s flood warning service: 1) Flood detection and monitoring. This addresses requirements to support monitoring network (rain and flow gauges, radar); 2) Surface water flooding; 3) Coastal/tidal flooding 4) River flooding; 5) Uncertainty in flood predictions. This addresses the science and communication requirements to manage uncertainty in forecasting; 6) Flood warning service development This identifies where we intend to provide new or improved flood warning schemes; 7) Skills, expertise and knowledge. This addresses training and exercise requirements for our staff and engagement with our partners.
The Strategy has been developed around seven strategic areas defined to maintain and strengthen SEPA s flood warning service: 1) Flood detection and monitoring. This addresses requirements to support monitoring network (rain and flow gauges, radar); 2) Surface water flooding; 3) Coastal/tidal flooding 4) River flooding; 5) Uncertainty in flood predictions. This addresses the science and communication requirements to manage uncertainty in forecasting; 6) Flood warning service development This identifies where we intend to provide new or improved flood warning schemes; 7) Skills, expertise and knowledge. This addresses training and exercise requirements for our staff and engagement with our partners.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Source language
Legislation Amendment