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Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (S.I. No. 386 of 2015).

Type of law

These Regulations amend the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 for the purpose of implementing the environmental requirements of Articles 14 and 28 of Directive 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on safety of offshore oil and gas operations in respect of the requirement to have an internal emergency response plan. The amendments effected by these Regulations apply the requirement to have an oil pollution emergency plan to nonproduction installations in the territorial sea and the continental shelf. The also concern the circumstances in which a review of the plan must be carried out and extra obligations relating to the maintenance and availability of relevant equipment and expertise.
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Legislation Amendment