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National Human Rights Protection Strategy of Georgia for 2022-2030

Type of law

The National Human Rights Protection Strategy of Georgia for 2022-2030 is a national cross-sectoral strategy. Its main objective is to achieve the level of institutional development which makes every governmental branch to take all the actions based on human rights. More specifically, the Strategy provides, among others, protecting human rights in emergencies and extraordinary situations, including during an epidemic/pandemic; ensuring the right to health, including the health of mothers and children, and informing the public about food safety and improving the food safety control measures; improving the social and economic welfare and reducing poverty; ensuring labor rights; protecting the property rights; improving the system supporting the human right to a healthy environment, including access to environmental information, public participation in environmental impact assessments and strategic environmental assessments, continuous improvement of access to clean air and quality potable water, proper waste management, providing access to environmental justice, and raising public awareness in environmental matters; protecting the rights of the child; strengthening gender equality in all aspects of life; ensuring that IDPs and refugees safely return to their homes; and improving the social and economic life of people residing near the occupation lines.
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
(2022 2030 )