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Ministerial Decision no. 486/325825 of 2021. National Dead Animal Collection and Management Programme (EPSYD) of article 15 of Law 4351/2015 and definition of additional measures for the implementation of paragraph 4 of article 4 of Regulation (EC) no. 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009.

Type of law

This Ministerial Decision, implementing provisions of article 15, paragraph 3 of the Law no. 4351 of 2015, and measures for the application of the European Regulations (EC) No. 1069/2009, concerns: preparation of the National Dead Animal Collection and Management Programme (EPSYD), the definition of its implementation procedures, monitoring and supervision; application of the programme to the following species of dead animals: cattle, goat, sheep and pigs; exempts from application of the programme, including: animals dead from diseases included in the Ministerial Decision on financial compensation from the imposition of veterinary sanitation measure, dead animals in livestock located in isolated or inaccessible areas. The Decision defines: facilities and building where animals are kept and handled; owner of animals; registered user; competent authorities; obligations and expenses of authorities; collection and transport of dead animals; procedural matters concerning the process of selection of implementing bodies of the programme; management of dead animals, cremation and burial; control for the implementation of provisions and penalties for owners of animals.
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Government Gazette of Greek Republic issue II, no. 5453 of 2021.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
. 486/325825 2021. ( ) 15 N 4351/2015 . 4 4 ( ) . 1069/2009 21 2009.