Ministerial Joint Decree No. 2196/85 approving the Decision by the Supreme Council of Chemistry regarding amendments of article 69 and integrations of Chapter D, Part II of the Food Code.
Type of law
With this Decree, article 69, paragraph 2 is amended by adding section (d) establishing chemical standards for ACESULFAME-K (sweetener for foodstuffs); paragraph 3 of the aforementioned article is replaced as follows: "composed sweeteners for foodstuffs may be placed on the market provided their chemical composition is clearly registered very close to the trade mark of such products.". In the Second Part of the Food Code, in Chapter D, the section (34) is added; this section prescribes the chemical analysis method to be followed in order to trace the existence of ACESULFAME-K in foodstuffs.
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 602, Part II, 19 September 1986, pp. 5763 and 5764.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment