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Ministerial Joint Enactment No. 2/1/2/2001 defining the quality of waters with reference to discharge of dangerous substances belonging to the families and groups of substances in List II of Council Directive 76/464/EEC.

Type of law

This Enactment has the objective of regulating potential aquatic pollution by chemicals, in compliance with Council Directive 76/464/EEC. The Directive covers discharges to inland surface waters, territorial waters, inland coastal waters and ground water. The Directive introduces the concept of list I and list II substances, which are listed in the Annex to the Directive. The purpose of this text is to reduce pollution from list II substances. List II includes groups and families of substances that have a deleterious effect on the aquatic environment.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Order shall come into force as from the date of its publication in the official gazette.
Serial Imprint
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 15, Part I, 2 February 2001, pp. 219-224.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
76/464/ 4 1976.