Law amending the Law on nature protection.
Type of law
This Law changes and adds, cancels and amends several provisions on overall basis, all part of the Croatian Law on nature protection (originally published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 80/2013). This text offers an almost completely re-elaborated text and also introduces two European Union reference documents that need to be observed and respected: Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora; and Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds.
Major changes are related to the new list of relative term s and definitions (article 9 of the original text); Article 6 is amended (means and field of application of the Law in terms of nature protection duties); Article 8 is amended as follows: The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the protection and rescue of people, animals, material and cultural goods and the environment in major disasters and disasters, and in the removal of the consequences of terrorism and warfare, inevitable and irreversible natural occurrences, in cases of urgent and indisputable implementation measures and activities of civil protection and flood protection measures in accordance with special regulations regulating the civil protection system and the flood protection system; Article 11, paragraph 4 shall be amended to read: Every five years, the Ministry shall carry out an analysis of the achievement of the objectives and implementation of the activities set out in the Strategy, the legislative and institutional framework, as well as the sources and the use of the funds for the protection of nature, and propose, if necessary, amendments and/or amendments to the Strategy or a new strategy; Article 12 shall be amended to read: For the purposes of analyzing the achievement of the objectives and the activities of the Strategy, the Report on the State of Nature in the Republic of Croatia shall be drawn up; in Article 15 the role and duties of the national nature protection Agency are been re-set and re-issued; the assessment of eligibility for the ecological network is re-edit (Article 24); several offences and penalty measures are also amended. Slight water protection issues are also involved (limitations on water use if located inside certain protected area).
Article 2014 has 2 new parts: For the purpose of providing financial resources for the implementation of conservation measures necessary for the achievement of the objectives of conservation of the ecological network area, the Government, upon a decision by the Ministry, shall adopt the Programem for the financing of the ecological network area; the programme shall include information on ecological network areas, status of target species and habitat types in these areas, an overview of legal and administrative provisions to ensure the conservation of the ecological network area, an overview of past experience in the use of European Union financial instruments, an assessment of the necessary financial resources for implementation conservation measures of the ecological network area, strategic priorities for conservation of these areas, description of key measures for achieving priorities, monitoring data, evaluation and update of the Programme and other data requested by the European Commission.
Major changes are related to the new list of relative term s and definitions (article 9 of the original text); Article 6 is amended (means and field of application of the Law in terms of nature protection duties); Article 8 is amended as follows: The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the protection and rescue of people, animals, material and cultural goods and the environment in major disasters and disasters, and in the removal of the consequences of terrorism and warfare, inevitable and irreversible natural occurrences, in cases of urgent and indisputable implementation measures and activities of civil protection and flood protection measures in accordance with special regulations regulating the civil protection system and the flood protection system; Article 11, paragraph 4 shall be amended to read: Every five years, the Ministry shall carry out an analysis of the achievement of the objectives and implementation of the activities set out in the Strategy, the legislative and institutional framework, as well as the sources and the use of the funds for the protection of nature, and propose, if necessary, amendments and/or amendments to the Strategy or a new strategy; Article 12 shall be amended to read: For the purposes of analyzing the achievement of the objectives and the activities of the Strategy, the Report on the State of Nature in the Republic of Croatia shall be drawn up; in Article 15 the role and duties of the national nature protection Agency are been re-set and re-issued; the assessment of eligibility for the ecological network is re-edit (Article 24); several offences and penalty measures are also amended. Slight water protection issues are also involved (limitations on water use if located inside certain protected area).
Article 2014 has 2 new parts: For the purpose of providing financial resources for the implementation of conservation measures necessary for the achievement of the objectives of conservation of the ecological network area, the Government, upon a decision by the Ministry, shall adopt the Programem for the financing of the ecological network area; the programme shall include information on ecological network areas, status of target species and habitat types in these areas, an overview of legal and administrative provisions to ensure the conservation of the ecological network area, an overview of past experience in the use of European Union financial instruments, an assessment of the necessary financial resources for implementation conservation measures of the ecological network area, strategic priorities for conservation of these areas, description of key measures for achieving priorities, monitoring data, evaluation and update of the Programme and other data requested by the European Commission.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force eight day after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 15/2018
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o za titi prirode.