Order on the list of landing places for landing catches from fishing vessels engaged in commercial fishing at sea
Type of law
This Order, based on the provisions of the Croatian Law on marine fisheries, determines the list of landing places for all commercial fishing vessels at sea that are fishing with-1. fishing gear: bottom trawls (Annex I), surrounding nets or sardine swimmers (Annex I), dredge (Annex I), surrounding network of bonito swimmers, mullet swimmers, locardar swimmers, needle swimmers and marigold swimmers; 2. in the area of Jabu ki d ep with authorized fishing vessels; 3. small blue fish with an surrounding net of sardines intended for feeding tuna on farms, and entered in the ICCAT register of vessels under the category "Other vessels" and allowed to perform tuna feeding activities; 4. type covered by ICCAT multi-annual management/recovery plans (Bluefin tuna, Xiphias gladius); 5. Red coral (Corallium rubrum); 6. eels (Anguilla anguilla). Disembarkation points are shown in the table in Annex I of this text, and the "X" designation indicates points for unloading of catches made by vessels according to individual categories as described in point I of this Order. This Order shall not apply to the landing of catches from commercial fisheries not covered by point I of this Order.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on 7 May 2022.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 53/2022
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Naredba o popisu iskrcajnih mjesta za iskrcaj ulova s ribarskih plovila koja obavljaju gospodarski ribolov na moru.