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Regulation amending and supplementing the Regulation on the procedure of weighing fishery products, on related records and procedure and conditions for approving the weighing on fishing vessels and authorized facilities.

Type of law

This Regulation amends and adds certain provisions part of the Regulation on the procedure of weighing fishery products, on related records and procedure and conditions for approving the weighing on fishing vessels and authorized facilities (originally published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 50/2019) Changes are regarding the contents of article 3 (procedures related to catches intended for first sale to a known first buyer outside the territory of the Republic of Croatia; and requests for approval of weighing at the landing place that shallbe completed and submitted in accordance with indicated instructions), and article 7 (related to procedures for weighing in approved facilities).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on 18 April 2020.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 47/2020
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o izmjenama i dopuni Pravilnika o postupku vaganja proizvoda ribarstva, evidencije vaganja te postupku i uvjetima odobravanja vaganja na ribarskim plovilima i u odobrenim objektima.