Regulation on conditions, criteria, method of selection, financing and implementation of local development strategies in fisheries.
Type of law
This Regulation provides for conditions, criteria, method of selection, financing rules and implementation strategies as regards the local development of fisheries sector, within the framework of the European Union's programme "Increasing employment and territorial cohesion" within the framework of the Republic of Croatia operational programme for the programming period 2014-2020.
This Regulation is also in full accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2328/2003, (EC) No 861/2006, (EC) No 1198/2006 and (EC) No 791/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council; Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.
Main objectives of this text are aimed at: adding value, creating jobs, attracting young people and promoting innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fishery and aquaculture products; encouraging diversification within or outside of economic fishing, lifelong learning and job creation in fisheries and aquaculture areas; strengthening and exploiting environmental benefits in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including operations to mitigate the effects of climate change; promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including fisheries, aquaculture and marine cultural heritage; strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development and management of local fisheries resources and maritime activities.
The Annex is also part of this publication (list of selection criteria in the sustainable development of fisheries areas; list of minimal contents and acceptable costs of financing).
This Regulation is also in full accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2328/2003, (EC) No 861/2006, (EC) No 1198/2006 and (EC) No 791/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council; Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.
Main objectives of this text are aimed at: adding value, creating jobs, attracting young people and promoting innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fishery and aquaculture products; encouraging diversification within or outside of economic fishing, lifelong learning and job creation in fisheries and aquaculture areas; strengthening and exploiting environmental benefits in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including operations to mitigate the effects of climate change; promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including fisheries, aquaculture and marine cultural heritage; strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development and management of local fisheries resources and maritime activities.
The Annex is also part of this publication (list of selection criteria in the sustainable development of fisheries areas; list of minimal contents and acceptable costs of financing).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia 073/2018
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o uvjetima, kriterijima, na inu odabira, financiranja i provedbe lokalnih razvojnih strategija u ribarstvu.