Regulation on contents of the Action Programme for the protection of waters from nitrate pollution of agricultural origin.
Type of law
This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Croatian Water Law, prescribes the detailed content, conditions, measures and indicates those obliged to apply the measures of the Action Programme for the protection of waters from nitrate pollution of agricultural origin. Detailed contents of this Action Programme are listed in article 3, as follows: the goal of adoption; interpretation of the terms contained in the Program; indications on participants obliged to apply the conditions and measures prescribed by the Action Programme; conditions and method of fertilizer application; general principles of fertilizer use; measures for storage and disposal of manure; period of application of the Programme; final provisions.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 29 June 2021).
Publication reference
Article 57, paragraph 3.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o sadr aju Akcijskog programa za tite voda od one i enja uzrokovanog nitratima poljoprivrednog podrijetla.