Regulation on the implementation of measure I.9. "Temporary cessation of fishing activities" in 2022 with surrounding purse seiners - sardine nets.
Type of law
This Regulation prescribes the implementation of support within measure I.9 involving the "Temporary Cessation of Fishing Activities" using surrounding purse seine nets - specifically sardine nets, for the year 2022. Measure I.9 falls under Priority 1 of the European Union's strategy aimed at "Promoting sustainable fisheries and conserving biological resources." It operates within Croatia's Fisheries and Aquaculture Program during the 2021-2027 programming period.
the regulation outlines the temporary suspension of fishing activities, specifically focusing on purse seine fishing using sardine nets. The support offered pertains to compensating license holders and crew members of fishing vessels licensed for temporary suspension. This support involves providing one-time non-repayable financial resources for specific periods of suspension. These periods include a 30-day suspension from January 17 to February 15, 2022, and another 30-day suspension from May 1 to May 30, 2022, encompassing the entire fishing area of the Republic of Croatia.
the regulation outlines the temporary suspension of fishing activities, specifically focusing on purse seine fishing using sardine nets. The support offered pertains to compensating license holders and crew members of fishing vessels licensed for temporary suspension. This support involves providing one-time non-repayable financial resources for specific periods of suspension. These periods include a 30-day suspension from January 17 to February 15, 2022, and another 30-day suspension from May 1 to May 30, 2022, encompassing the entire fishing area of the Republic of Croatia.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on the day after its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 12 May 2023).
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 51/2023
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o provedbi mjere I.9. Privremeni prestanak ribolovnih aktivnosti okru uju im mre ama plivaricama srdelarama u 2022. godini.