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Regulation proclaiming the special reserves "Modro Oko and Lake Desna", "Estuary of the Neretva" and "Kuti".

Type of law

This Regulation declares the establishment of the following nature protected areas on the territory of the Republic of Croatia: Special ornithological reserve "Modro Oko and Lake Desna"; Special ornithological-ichthyological reserve "Neretva estuary"; Special ornithological reserve "Kuti". The special ornithological reserve "Modro oko i jezero Desne" is one of the representative wetland ecosystems in the area of the Neretva delta, which is especially important for the preservation of habitats and the diversity of wetland birds. The special ornithological-ichthyological reserve "Neretva estuary" consists of four parts: Parila, Gali ak I, Gali ak II and Blace bay, and connects the wetland and sea landscape at the Neretva estuary, including the coastal land area and the sea area. It includes a large area with greenhouse (Salicornia), a halophilous plant adapted to life in conditions of high salt concentration at the entrance to the Neretva River into the sea, surrounding shoals and lagoons such as Gali ak Bay on the right bank of the river with the surrounding coastal area important for bird nesting. The special ornithological reserve "Kuti" includes Lake Kuti and wetland habitats along the lake. Diverse wetland habitats have been developed in the area of the reserve, and this area is especially important for the preservation of the nesting population of wetland birds and the population of birds that migrate along the Adriatic migration route. Also protection measures for these areas are here provided (use restrictions, hunting/fishing bans).
The Annex is also part of this publication (containing full set of maps, defining boundaries for each newly designated protected area).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 21 August 2020).
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 94/2020
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Uredba o progla avanju posebnih rezervata Modro oko i jezero Desne , U e Neretve i Kuti .