Government Decree No. 113 of 2006 (V. 12.) laying down detailed rules regarding the powers and operation of the authorized veterinary activity.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Government Decree establishes laying down detailed rules regarding the powers and operation of the authorized veterinary activity. Veterinarian authorized to perform certain functions of the State Food Chain Inspectorate may exercise the powers and carry out activities under a valid contract. Authorized veterinarians shall carry out official supervision under the ministerial decree on animal health rules for the inland transport of live animals for the unloading of the following animals or consignments: (a) animals arriving at the slaughterhouse; (b) animals arriving at a collection center, a commercial establishment; (c) animals arriving at an animal exhibition, purchase, market or event. Authorized veterinarian shall be subject to special legislation: (a) carry out veterinary supervision of the animal welfare, animal exhibition, animal husbandry, where it prohibits the delivery or participation of the animal in the case of special conditions, and orders the separation of an animal suspected of being contagious; (b) carry out official surveillance of the dog by the man; (c) carry out official sampling of salmonella; (d) in the case of wild game hunted for consumption, if it is intended for sale or sale to a natural or legal person who is eligible for hunting or to a non-legal entity, or to a local retail or catering establishment supplying the final consumer directly.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The latest consolidated version of the Decree entered into force on 26 March 2014.
Publication reference
Magyar K zl ny 55. sz m, 2006. m jus 12., pp. 4242-4245.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
113/2006. (V. 12.) Korm. rendelet a jogosult llatorvos hat sk r r l s a m k d s vel kapcsolatos r szletes szab lyokr l.