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Joint Decree No. 17 of 1999 of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and of the Ministry of Health on sanitary requirements of food processing and marketing.

Type of law

Hygiene requirements for the production, processing, and marketing of food for public consumption are regulated in detail by the annexes to this Decree. The transport and slaughtering of animals are also regulated by rules regarding animal protection. The rules of the Animal Health Regulation must be applied to the production and marketing of food of animal origin as well. The rules of this Decree must be applied to street and market vending. Establishments which produce for export must apply the binding requirements provided in international or foreign trade agreements and contracts as well. Article 7 determines the criteria of HACCP which must be applied by the food producer. When applying the rules of this Decree, the directives of the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus must be taken into account.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Article 7 of this Decree will be in force as from 1 January 2002.
Serial Imprint
Jurix Collection of Hungarian Rules of Law, WWW, Hungary.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment