European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Lough Corrib Special Protection Area 004042)) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 455 of 2012).
Type of law
These Regulations designate an area consisting of land and waters as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. In establishing their Special Protection Area network under the Directive, Member States are explicitly required to pay attention to the protection of wetlands. Wetland habitat that is contained within this Special Protection Area and the waterbirds that utilize this resource are therefore listed as a special conservation interest for this site. The purpose of the site is to ensure protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and eggs under Article 5 of the Directive for all species of birds, not just the birds listed on Schedule 3 (with the exception of those birds covered under Articles 7 for hunting and 9, where derogations are listed). Schedule 4 lists activities that require the consent of the Minister and may cause disturbance or damage to birds protected under Schedule 3. Activities that require consent of the Minister include: land reclamation; introduction, or re-introduction, of plants or animals not found in the area; cutting, uprooting or otherwise removing plants; water abstraction, sinking of boreholes and wells; drainage works; and planting of trees or multi-annual bioenergy crops. Operations or activities other than those listed at Schedule 4 to these Regulations, such as effluent discharge, construction work, aquaculture, fishing or forestry require a licence or permission from the appropriate consent authority.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment