European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (River Suck Callows Special Protection Area 004097)) Regulations 2012 (S.I. No. 397 of 2012).
Type of law
These Regulations designate a foreshore and harbour area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Conservation of Wild Birds. The purpose is to ensure protection from disturbance, capture and damage to nests and eggs under Article 5 of the Directive for all species of birds, not just the birds listed on Schedule 3 (with the exception of those birds covered under Articles 7 for hunting and 9, where derogations are listed). Schedule 4 lists activities that require the consent of the Minister and may cause disturbance or damage to birds protected under Schedule 3. Activities that require consent of the Minister include: land reclamation; introduction, or re-introduction, of plants or animals not found in the area; water abstraction, sinking of boreholes and wells; drainage works; and planting of trees or multi-annual bioenergy crops.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment