Decree 26 October 2023 rovisions for the implementation of interventions aimed at the supply and distribution of fruit, vegetables and milk products intended for schools, as well as for accompanying educational measures.
Type of law
This Decree regulates the implementation of the interventions directed at the supply and distribution of products fruit, vegetables and milk intended for schools as well as to the implementation of the accompanying educational measures referred to to the art. 23, paragraph 1, letter a) and letter b) of the regulation (EU) no. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013. The subsidies referred to in this decree are granted as non-repayable contributions up to a maximum of ninety percent of eligible expenses and they are granted with an evaluation procedure under Art. 7. They can present projects for the implementation of the interventions referred to in the art. 1 of this Decree: a) producers in the fruit and vegetable sector and in the dairy sector; b) fruit and vegetable producer organizations; c) associations of fruit and vegetable producer organizations; d) cooperative societies and consortia among producers of fruit and vegetables and the dairy sector; e) temporary business and purpose associations in those sectors. The projects are aimed at encouraging the consumption of the products subject of the Program among children attending school primary, as well as promoting awareness of the positive effects of the consumption of these products.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto 26 ottobre 2023 Disposizioni per l'attuazione degli interventi diretti alla fornitura e alla distribuzione di prodotti ortofrutticoli e di latte destinati alle scuole, nonche' per le misure educative di accompagnamento.