Ministerial Decree 29 April 2020 concerning implementation of the Commission Implementing Directive (EU) 2019/990.
Type of law
The Decree implements Directive (EU) 2019/990 and amends several Italian laws.
Annex I substitutes the content of Law 20 April 1976, n. 195 Annex III concerning the list of horticultural plant species for which the establishment of a Variety register is mandatory
Annex II substitutes Annex VI, Point II table A of the Decree of the President of the Republic 8 October 1973, n. 1065 concerning the production and sale of seeds, and in the specific, crops herbaceous vegetables, ornamental and flowering seeds. Annex III amends Annex III of the Decree of the President of the Republic 8 October 1973, n. 1065 (sample's minimum weight)
Annex IV updates sample's minimum weight established by D. Lgs. 7 July 2011, n. 124
Annex V substitutes Ministerial Decree 14 April 1997 Annex I (gender and species to which the disciple applies) concerning the sale of fruit plants and their propagation material
Annex I substitutes the content of Law 20 April 1976, n. 195 Annex III concerning the list of horticultural plant species for which the establishment of a Variety register is mandatory
Annex II substitutes Annex VI, Point II table A of the Decree of the President of the Republic 8 October 1973, n. 1065 concerning the production and sale of seeds, and in the specific, crops herbaceous vegetables, ornamental and flowering seeds. Annex III amends Annex III of the Decree of the President of the Republic 8 October 1973, n. 1065 (sample's minimum weight)
Annex IV updates sample's minimum weight established by D. Lgs. 7 July 2011, n. 124
Annex V substitutes Ministerial Decree 14 April 1997 Annex I (gender and species to which the disciple applies) concerning the sale of fruit plants and their propagation material
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 137 of 29 May 2020.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto Ministeriale 29 aprile 2020 Recepimento della direttiva di esecuzione (UE) 2019/990 della Commissione del 17 giugno 2019 che modifica l'elenco dei generi e delle specie nell'articolo 2, paragrafo 1, lettera b), della direttiva 2002/55/CE del Consiglio, nell'allegato II della direttiva 2008/72/CE del Consiglio e nell'allegato della direttiva 93/61/CEE della Commissione.