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Regional Act No. 15 on derogations referred to in Directive 79/409/EEC and amending Regional Act No. 8 of 15 February 1999: "Provisions in matter of wildlife protection and hunting".

Type of law


This Regional Act concerns hunting of certain bird species so as to prevent damages caused to crops. To this end, during the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 hunting seasons, hunting of bird species defined by article 2, paragraph 1 is permitted under certain conditions. Such hunting activities may take place in compliance with the methods, gear, total allowable catch and periods further specified by article 2. Controls shall be carried out by the Provinces to ensure the enforcement of these provisions. Whenever the thinning out of the species concerned is predictable or suspected, the Regional Council may suspend their taking or hunting (art. 4). Article 5 lays down some amendments to Regional Act No. 8 of 15 February 1994 in matter of wildlife protection and hunting.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Regional Act entered into force on13 July 2002.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Legge Regionale n. 15: Disciplina dell esercizio delle deroghe previste dalla direttiva 79/409/CEE. Modifiche alla legge regionale 15 febbraio 1994, n. 8 Disposizioni per la protezione della fauna selvatica e per l esercizio dell attivita venatoria.