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Regional Act No. 31 implementing article 9 of Council Directive 79/409/EEC concerning the protection of wild birds during the September 2002-January 2003 period.

Type of law


The present Regional Act has been enacted with a view to preventing and reducing damages caused to crops by the bird species defined under article 2. To this end, the taking and hunting of such species shall be permitted in the periods specified by article 4 and by using the methods and gear referred to in article 3. Article 3 fixes also the total allowable catch per day. The taking and hunting of the said bird species shall be forbidden on forest areas and zones subject to hunting prohibition. Controls shall be carried out by the competent authorities as per article 6. In addition, the Regional Council shall transmit every year to the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies and to the National Institute for Wildlife a report so as to verify the compliance with the provisions laid down in Directive 79/409/EEC. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned rules, the Regional Council is entitled to suspend the taking or hunting of birds in case of thinning out of their density (art. 7).
Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment