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Regional Law 4 January 2014 No. 3 on the protection and enhancement of forests, pastures and the arboreal heritage of the Abruzzo region.

Type of law

This Law aims to promote the protection and enhancement of forest and pasture resources, their sustainable and multifunctional management, with particular regard to the objectives of: a) improvement and protection of the hydrogeological structure of the territory; b) landscape protection; c) maintenance and increase of biodiversity; d) protection of forest ecosystems from abiotic and biotic adversities and forest fires; e) protection of areas of significant environmental value; f) development of mountain and inland areas through the promotion of the forestry economy and the supply chains of forestry and grazing products, as well as secondary forest products; g) protection and development of silvo-pastoral systems, including the technical and economic protection of the silvo-pastoral assets of the municipalities and other public bodies.
The Law establishes the Forest Committee and provides for its functions. Art. 5 requires the Regional Government to prepare a Regulation for the protection and management of silvopastoral systems; the regulation defines the prescriptions and limits of use of woods, pastures and other land subject to the hydrogeological constraint referred to in article 30.
Under Title III the Law lays down the discipline for forest management planning systems at regional level (Piano forestale regionale - PFR); municipal level (Piano forestale di indirizzo territoriale - PFIT); and at individual property/business level (Piano di gestione silvo-pastorale - PdG) or Piano di coltura e conservazione - PCC). Title III also sets regulations on the creation of a Natura2000 forest plan. Title IV contains regional government commitment toward the update of mapping and data system and education/capacity building campaigns.
Title V regulates public forests and their management. Title VI contains public initiatives to achieve objectives above, these include: reforestation; care and maintenance of the woods and pastures; planting and improvement of riparian formations, peri-urban woods and other particular for< protection of monumental and ancient trees and woods; fire protection; reproductive material, etc. Title VIII forest damage and administrative proceedings.
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Legge Regionale 4 gennaio 2014, No. 3, Legge organica in materia di tutela e valorizzazione delle foreste, dei pascoli e del patrimonio arboreo della regione Abruzzo.