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Kazakhstan-2030 Strategy: Prosperity, Security and Improvement of Welfare of the Citizens of Kazakhstan.

Type of law

Kazakhstan-2030 Strategy is multi-sectoral nationwide policy document with the goal of building an independent, prosperous and politically stable Kazakhstan with its inherent national unity, social justice and economic prosperity of the whole population.
The objectives shall be: (a) Kazakhstan 2030 must become a clean and green country, with fresh air and clean water; (b) elimination of harmful effects of industrial waste and radiation; (c) creation of healthy environment for the future generations; (d) protection of public health and improvement of natural environment; (e) efficient use of energy resources by rapidly increasing oil and gas production and exports in order to generate revenues that will contribute to sustainable economic growth and prosperity of the population; (f) reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots and constant special attention to the problems of the rural areas; (g) creation of strong ecological policy; (h) improvement of nutrition, ensuring adequate nutrition and investments in food processing industry; (i) improvement of the quality of potable water and compliance with potable water quality standards; and (j) prosecution of suppliers of poor quality foodstuffs and environmental polluters.
The most serious problems of rural areas and rural population shall be resolved by the following means: (a) improvement of the rural economy through bankruptcy mechanisms; (b) cheaper credits, primarily for farmers and real private households (farms), including micro-crediting; (c) assistance to farmers in sale of agricultural commodities; and (d) improvement of water supply and irrigation
The fight against poverty and unemployment shall be based on: (a) introduction of the system of micro-crediting; (b) promotion of small and medium business entities; (c) the priority development of the labor-intensive industries; (d) attraction of foreign investment and national capital; (e) a tough approach to employment problems related to contracts, budgetary purchases; (f) development of public works, primarily all the construction of roads and forest plantations works; (g) removal of all unnecessary administrative barriers to the development of private enterprises; and (h) active development of the service sector, especially tourism.
Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
- 2030 , .