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Medicines & Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) Act.

Type of law

This Act establishes the Liberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority so as to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines and health products (as defined) used in the Republic of Liberia. "Medicine" and "health products" shall include remedies for animals. The functions and duties of the Authority shall include: to conduct registration of medicines and health products; to issue licenses or permits for premises and personnel to engage in the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale etc. of medicines and health products; to carry out inspections; to set standards of quality, safety, and efficacy of medicines and health products. The Act also provides for the registration of medicines and health products and provides rules for the importation, exportation, manufacture and placing on the market of medicines or health products.
Long title of text
An Act to Establish the Liberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) of 2010.
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment