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Lesotho Vision 2020

Type of law

In 2000 the country took a policy decision to formulate Vision 2020 to provide a long-term perspective within which national short to medium-term plans could be formulated. The specific objectives of the Lesotho Vision 2020 are to: establish a long-term vision for Lesotho by looking beyond the short-term plans and adjustments, explore the options for economic, political and human development to the year 2020, identify alternative development strategies suitable for the Lesotho situation, promote a process of open dialogue and consultation with socio-economic groups countrywide, create an environment whereby Basotho will actively participate in achieving the Vision 2020, and, develop a focus along the horizon in the direction of which development plans could be rolled out.
The methodology used to develop the Lesotho Vision 2020 is a combination of participatory futures studies, strategic and development planning. The Lesotho Vision 2020 document addresses four basic questions, which are: how do the Basotho people envision their future? what are the challenges that face the development process? what could happen to the development process in the future? what should be done to realize the Vision?.
In order to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, the vision 2020 plans to increase provision of clean, safe drinking water and proper sanitation by increasing the coverage of population with access to drinking water and sanitation.
Regarding the reduction of rural poverty, the vision plans to reach a well established technology. Measures to be implemented are: (i) strengthen education and awareness on science and technology, (ii) strengthen research and development, (iii) commercialize indigenous technological knowledge and practices, (iv) develop and implement ICT policy.
To increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises, the vision 2020 plans a well managed environment. Strategies to be implemented are: (i) strengthen coordination of institutions responsible for natural resource management, (ii) protect air, soil and water quality and develop and implement proper land management systems, (iii) preserve and conserve biodiversity and heritage, (iv) improve institutional capacity to implement the Environment Act, (v) reduce over-harvesting of natural resources and improve effluent and solid waste management systems, (vi) promote use of renewable energy resources.
In the context of governance, the document present the strategic actions, monitoring indicators, means of verification for addressing the issues concerning the grand strategy as well as the thematic issues that underpin the Lesotho Vision. In implementing these strategic actions, the following challenges must be recognized: (i) integrating plans for different time horizons: Lesotho Vision 2020, rolling plans, PRSP and annual budget statements, (ii) sustaining the strategic thinking process in order to ensure that emerging strategic issues are identified and anticipated, (iii) monitoring and evaluating the Lesotho Vision 2020 and other plans.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment