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Law on energy (No. I-828).

Type of law
Date of original text

This Law defines the general provisions of energy activities, the basic principles of energy development, functioning and management. Activities of individual sectors of energy, of state, municipal and private energy enterprises, energy producers, suppliers and consumers, their legal and economic relations when the object thereof is energy or energy resources, shall be regulated by other laws and subordinate legislation. The principal goals of the state energy policy shall be: (a) energy saving; (b) efficient consumption of primary energy resources; (c) reduction of comparative energy consumption for the production of the national product; (d) reliable supply of energy resources; (e) promotion of renewable energy use; and (f) reduction of adverse effects of energy on the environment. Special Energy Saving Fund shall be set up for the purpose of efficient implementation of the arrangements for the supply of energy resources, energy production and consumption. Energy activities shall be regulated by laws on environmental protection and it shall be prohibited to initiate any energy activity if they are not complying with the environmental norms and standards. Energy activities shall be subject to licensing. Energy sectors shall be classified as follows: (a) electric energy; (b) thermal energy; and (c) gas and petroleum.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The Law enters into force on the date of its official publication.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Repealed by