Cabinet Regulation No. 233 validating Mandatory safety and quality requirements, monitoring and control procedures for drinking water used in food enterprises.
Type of law
These Mandatory safety and quality requirements shall be applicable to drinking water used in the food enterprise: (a) the mandatory safety and quality requirements and the procedure for assessing the compliance of drinking water with the mandatory safety and quality requirements; and (b) monitoring and control procedures. Drinking water shall be intended any raw or specially prepared surface and underground water that: (a) is used in food companies to manufacture, process, preserve or sell products or substances used in food; and (b) bottled or in other containers for distribution under the trade name "dzeramais vedas" (prepackaged drinking water). These Rules do not apply to: (a) natural mineral water that meets the requirements of regulatory acts on natural mineral water and spring water; and (b) water recognized by the State Medicines Agency as a medicine in accordance with the regulatory enactments on the procedure for registering medicines. Drinking water is considered wholesome and clean if all the following conditions are met: (a) the drinking water does not contain microorganisms, parasites and substances that, in a certain number or concentration, may pose a possible threat to human health; (b) drinking water meets the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Appendix 1 of these regulations. The values of the indicators referred to in point 3 of Annex 1 of these Regulations are determined only for monitoring purposes, as well as to ensure the implementation of corrective measures; and (c) all measures have been implemented to ensure compliance with the requirements of these regulations. Drinking water in a food enterprise meets the safety and quality requirements specified in Annex 1 of these Regulations in a place where: (a) drinking water is packaged into bottles or other containers; and (b) in place of the use of drinking water.
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Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 233 R g 2023. gada 9. maij (prot. Nr. 25 25. ) P rtikas uz mum izmantojam dzeram dens oblig t s nekait guma un kvalit tes pras bas, monitoringa un kontroles k rt ba.