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Governmental Decree No.130 of 1998 regarding validation of the Regulation on hygiene requirements regarding the handling of foodstuffs.

Type of law

The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. This Regulation prescribes the hygiene requirements that shall be complied with the following stages of food handling (which take place after the primary production stage) preparation for processing, processing, packaging, storage, reloading, transportation, distribution and supply to consumers. In accordance with the distribution of competence among ministries, the responsible minister shall, after harmonizing such with the Food Council and in compliance with the present Regulation, determine special food hygiene requirements for particular classes of foodstuffs or stages of food handling. The document consists of XI Sections. Section I lays down general provisions. Section II determines hygiene requirements for food undertakings. Section III determines hygiene requirements regarding food production premises. Section IV determines hygiene requirements for containers and vehicles. Section V determines hygiene requirements regarding objects, materials and equipment. Section VI regards food waste. Section VII regards water supply. Section VIII determines hygiene requirements for staff. Section IX determines requirements for ensuring harmlessness of foodstuffs. Section X deals with supervision and monitoring. Section XI lays down transitional provisions.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Entry into force from the date of issue except for the paragraph 4 that comes into force on the 1st of January 1999.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment