National Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan 2013 2020.
Type of law
This National Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan (NCCSAP) 2013 2020 is a cross-sectoral policy document. The goal of the NCCSAP is to further facilitate building the adaptive capacity of Namibia to increase climate change resilience and to optimize mitigation opportunities toward a sustainable development path, guided by the National Climate Change Policy. Four adaptation key themes are identified: 1. Food security and sustainable biological resource base 2. Sustainable water resources base 3. Human health and well being 4. Infrastructure development.
The NCCSAP seeks to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Proposed Strategic Aims include: Climate change understanding and related policy responses in food security are further improved; Further promote game meat as a sustainable animal protein source for domestic food supply; etc.
The NCCSAP seeks to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable through the proposed strategic aims such as: Conservation measures to utilize sustainable forest resources for food security are in place and implemented at community level, building climate change resilience; Encouraging approaches that lead to sustainable management and utilization of fisheries and marine resources; Promote integrated fisheries and marine resources management; Strengthen and encourage integrated coastal zone management plans for the protection of marine life; Conservation, utilization and development of biological resources and maintenance of resilient ecosystems to ensure climate resilience and environmental sustainability; Promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of water resources; Scope the establishment and hosting mechanism for a sustainable development fund for large climate investments and financing.
The NCCSAP contributes to rural poverty reduction by basing itself on the premise of human rights and well-being, considering that combating climate change will contribute to equality, poverty reduction and sustainability. The proposed strategic aims include: Improving access to sanitation and safe drinking water for all, particularly in flood-prone areas; Strategies for harvesting and capturing water during the rainy season are well formulated and implemented and guidelines for more efficient water use by sectors, households and individuals are provided; Encourage the adoption of town and regional planning and development standards and principles toward climate resilient human settlements; etc.
The NCCSAP promotes to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Proposed Strategic Aims include: 1. Develop, identify and disseminate climate resilient crop farming practices; 2. Identify (pilot) climate resilient livestock breeds with local farmers and herders; etc.
The NCCSAP seeks to increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters and climate change. The specific objectives of the NCCSAP are set up as: 1. To reduce climate change impacts on Namibia s key sectors and vulnerable communities; 2. To integrate climate change issues (adaptation and mitigation) into sectoral policies, and national development planning at all levels; 3. To develop and enhance capacities at all levels and strengthen institutions to ensure successful implementation of climate change response activities; 4. To facilitate funding resources for effective mitigation and adaptation investments necessary for the effective implementation of the NCCSAP; 5. To provide an institutional framework to guide international and national climate financing modalities and support climate readiness (linking to Namibia s Climate Finance Readiness Strategy). Cross-cutting issues (themes) are identified and and prioritised, including: 1. Capacity building, training and institutional strengthening 2. Research and information needs, including how to use climate change information 3. Public awareness, participation and access to information 4. Disaster reduction and risk management 5. Financial, resource mobilisation and management 6. International cooperation and networking 7. Technology development and transfer 8. Legislative development. Further improve the overall climate change understanding and related policy responses in water resources sector. Proposed Strategic Aims include: Strengthen the climate risk induced disaster management strategy, forecasting and Early Warning Systems (EWS); Improve the disaster preparedness and a coordinated and appropriate timely disaster response mechanism; Monitoring and data collecting technologies of surface and underground water are developed and implemented at basin/watershed level; Further improve the overall climate change understanding and related policy responses in water resources sector; Establish, improve and enforce standards for infrastructure development and develop infrastructure that is more resilient to climate events, and integrate climate change issues into design and development planning strategies; Develop a strategy to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation activities; etc.
The NCCSAP seeks to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Proposed Strategic Aims include: Climate change understanding and related policy responses in food security are further improved; Further promote game meat as a sustainable animal protein source for domestic food supply; etc.
The NCCSAP seeks to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable through the proposed strategic aims such as: Conservation measures to utilize sustainable forest resources for food security are in place and implemented at community level, building climate change resilience; Encouraging approaches that lead to sustainable management and utilization of fisheries and marine resources; Promote integrated fisheries and marine resources management; Strengthen and encourage integrated coastal zone management plans for the protection of marine life; Conservation, utilization and development of biological resources and maintenance of resilient ecosystems to ensure climate resilience and environmental sustainability; Promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of water resources; Scope the establishment and hosting mechanism for a sustainable development fund for large climate investments and financing.
The NCCSAP contributes to rural poverty reduction by basing itself on the premise of human rights and well-being, considering that combating climate change will contribute to equality, poverty reduction and sustainability. The proposed strategic aims include: Improving access to sanitation and safe drinking water for all, particularly in flood-prone areas; Strategies for harvesting and capturing water during the rainy season are well formulated and implemented and guidelines for more efficient water use by sectors, households and individuals are provided; Encourage the adoption of town and regional planning and development standards and principles toward climate resilient human settlements; etc.
The NCCSAP promotes to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Proposed Strategic Aims include: 1. Develop, identify and disseminate climate resilient crop farming practices; 2. Identify (pilot) climate resilient livestock breeds with local farmers and herders; etc.
The NCCSAP seeks to increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters and climate change. The specific objectives of the NCCSAP are set up as: 1. To reduce climate change impacts on Namibia s key sectors and vulnerable communities; 2. To integrate climate change issues (adaptation and mitigation) into sectoral policies, and national development planning at all levels; 3. To develop and enhance capacities at all levels and strengthen institutions to ensure successful implementation of climate change response activities; 4. To facilitate funding resources for effective mitigation and adaptation investments necessary for the effective implementation of the NCCSAP; 5. To provide an institutional framework to guide international and national climate financing modalities and support climate readiness (linking to Namibia s Climate Finance Readiness Strategy). Cross-cutting issues (themes) are identified and and prioritised, including: 1. Capacity building, training and institutional strengthening 2. Research and information needs, including how to use climate change information 3. Public awareness, participation and access to information 4. Disaster reduction and risk management 5. Financial, resource mobilisation and management 6. International cooperation and networking 7. Technology development and transfer 8. Legislative development. Further improve the overall climate change understanding and related policy responses in water resources sector. Proposed Strategic Aims include: Strengthen the climate risk induced disaster management strategy, forecasting and Early Warning Systems (EWS); Improve the disaster preparedness and a coordinated and appropriate timely disaster response mechanism; Monitoring and data collecting technologies of surface and underground water are developed and implemented at basin/watershed level; Further improve the overall climate change understanding and related policy responses in water resources sector; Establish, improve and enforce standards for infrastructure development and develop infrastructure that is more resilient to climate events, and integrate climate change issues into design and development planning strategies; Develop a strategy to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation activities; etc.
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Date of text
Publication reference
Ministry of Environment & Tourism, Namibia.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment