Ministerial Decision no. BWBR0033668 of 2013 to apply the national coordination regulation for the Afsluitdijk project.
Type of law
This Decision of the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, implementing provisions of article 3.35 first and third paragraph of the Spatial Planning Act, provides for drawing up an integration plan for strengthening the dike body of the Afsluitdijk and of the associated civil engineering works and, thus increasing their discharge capacity and the flood risk management. According to the Decision, the Minister is responsible for requesting the application of an environmental permit that is necessary to implement the integration plan.
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
State Gazette no. 20154 of 2013.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Besluit nr. BWBR0033668 van 2013 tot toepassing van de rijksco rdinatieregeling ten behoeve van het project Afsluitdijk.