Decree No. 1499 of 1999 on registration and reporting duties when fishing in marine waters outside any state fisheries jurisdiction.
Type of law
This Decree applies to fishing in marine waters by Norwegian citizens and residents of Norway and which fish beyond jurisdiction of any state for any stocks not regulated by Norwegian authorities. No fishing is to take place without prior registration for a calendar year with the Directorate of Fisheries. Fishing vessels shall register with and report electronically to the Directorate of Fisheries in accordance with specifications detailed in articles 2 and 3. Messages sent in accordance to these guidelines are deemed not received by the Directorate of Fisheries if a return message status is not received or if the return message status results as NAK . Catch and beginning of fishing shall be reported earliest 12 hours and no later than 2 hours prior to entering the fishing area (art. 1). Catch reports shall be sent daily and latest at 1200 UTC the next day (art. 2). Transship catch onto vessels from EU Member States (Russia, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Norway) and vessels from the NEAFC partners are authorized (art. 3). Vessels receiving catch from another vessel shall no later than 24 hours prior to its landing report to port authorities (art. 4). Termination of fishing activities shall be reported earliest 8 hours and no later than 2 hours prior to approaching the fishing area (art. 5).
Appendix to the regulations on registration and reporting when fishing in waters outside of any state fisheries jurisdiction.
Appendix to the regulations on registration and reporting when fishing in waters outside of any state fisheries jurisdiction.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 July 1999.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om registrering og rapportering ved fiske i farvann utenfor noen stats fiskerijurisdiksjon.