Directive No. 312 of 2001 relative to maximum quotas in hunting for minke whales in 2001.
Type of law
This Directive of the Director of Fisheries prescribes catch quotas for minke whales in 2001. The quota for the Barents Sea, Svalbard and the West Fjord for each vessel depends upon its size: vessels under 18 metres and 80 centimetres of length (belonging to Group I) may catch 13 whales per vessel; vessels having a length between 18,80 metres and 25,3 metres may catch 17 whales whereas vessels of a length of more than 25.3 metres may catch 21 whales. Vessels in the North Sea may catch: vessels under 18 metres and 80 centimetres of length may catch 20 whales per vessel; vessels having a length between 18,80 metres and 25,3 metres may catch 30 whales whereas vessels of a length of more than 25.3 metres may catch 40 whales.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Entry into force immediately; remains into force until 31 December 2001.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment