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Regulation No. 1623 on grants to producers and slaughterhouses implementing measures for increased slaughtering of cattle calves.

Type of law

The objective of the present Regulation, adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, is to establish a grant scheme designed to stimulate increased slaughter of cattle calves from week 48 in 2023 through week 13 in 2024. The scheme aims to reduce the supply of beef, primarily in the second half of 2024, and thereby improve the market balance for beef. The Regulation is aimed at slaughtering up to 5,000 calves during this period and applies to cattle producers and slaughterhouses that slaughter cattle. The Regulation describes the functioning of the scheme and lays down rules on the requirements for applications, the amount of the subsidies, payment, appeals, reporting obligations, etc.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force immediately.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR-2023-10-12-1623: Forskrift om tilskudd til produsenter og slakterier som gjennomf rer tiltak om kt slakting av kalv av storfe.