Regulation No. 58 regulating total allowable catch of Norway pout fishing in 2015.
Type of law
The Regulation sets maximum calculation factor quota values for vessels equipped with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawl permits when fishing for Norway pout in the Norwegian economic zone (6.0) and factor 2 for vessels equipped with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawl permits. The vessel quotas are calculated by multiplying the vessel basis quota by the factor specified. Vessels with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawler permission may fish andNorway pout, however not beyond the size limit specified in the licensing regulations (articles 2-7 and 11.2).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
15 January 2015 with validity until 31 December 2015.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om maksimalkvoter i fisket etter yep l i 2015.