The benefits generated by the brick kilns to the entrepreneurs, labor and the general consumers, cannot be compared with the adverse environmental impacts caused by such brick kilns. Since the brick kiln industry can be deemed as a necessary evil, it is the responsibility of all the concerned agencies and civil society to realize their responsibility and discharge their duties towards minimizing the adverse impact emanating from brick kilns
Quantitative assessment of demand of bricks in the valley and the number of brick kiln operating are to be ascertained. How many of them are registered and how many are not? What is the extent of pollution emitted by the brick kilns in the environment of the Valley? ; How much is the impact of pollution on the public health, natural resources and the cultural heritage? What are the most appropriate counteractive measures to be taken immediately as well as those to be taken in the long run? Research work aiming at those end are to be conducted.
Based on such research findings, effective techniques should be devised and followed. In addition to that, priority should be given for lessening the impact of pollution emanating from such brick kilns that are operating in the vicinity of densely populated areas, schools, cultural and touristic zones, immediate measures are to be taken to lessen adverse impact in such areas.