National Parks and Wild Life Conservation Rules 1974.
Type of law
For the purpose of implementing the National Parks and Wild Life Conservation Act, these Rules make arrangements regarding national parks and sanctuaries as well as hunting and hunting methods. The most important provisions are made with respect to hunting licenses. The latter are divided into many categories, depending upon the duration, the quota and animals that may be hunted, the rates of the fees to be paid. The following categories are established: 1) district hunting license; 2) ordinary hunting license; 3) supplementary hunting license; 4) bird hunting license. According to article 15 the Chief Officer of the National Parks and Wild Life Conservation Department or any officer designated by the Government may issue a professional hunter's license "to any person who has gained long experience in arranging necessary supplies and equipment for hunting and travel expeditions in both the hill and Tarai regions of the Kingdom of Nepal and has knowledge of the act and the rules framed hereunder". Moreover, the rules establishes the requirements for the issuance of hunting guide licenses and hunting licenses for purposes of scientific research. Foreigners may obtain a hunting license only on the condition that they shall hunt in the company of a person who holds a professional hunter's license. The Rules are followed by 15 schedules regarding the animal species, the different types of licenses, the fees to be paid by nepali citizens and foreign nationals.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
The Rules repeal the Hunting Rules of 1969.
Serial Imprint
Regmi Research (Private) Ltd., Photocopy, 12 pp.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment