Regulation on classification of ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of homogeneous parts of surface water.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Environment, which is composed of nine paragraphs and six Annexes, establishes: (1) elements of quality for the classification of ecological status of homogeneous parts of surface water in natural streams, lakes and other natural bodies of water, transitory waters and coastal waters, and for the classification of ecological potential of artificial homogeneous parts of surface water and strongly modified parts of surface water; (2) definitions of the classification of ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of homogeneous parts of surface water; (3) types of surface waters and categories of these waters.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 14 December 2011.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2011 No. 258 Pos. 1549
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporzadzenie w sprawie klasyfikacji stanu ekologicznego, potencjalu ekologicznego i stanu chemicznego jednolitych czesci wod powierzchniowych.