Regulation on conditions and scope of access to the provincial database on the use of environment.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Environment is composed of three articles. Organs having access to the provincial database on the use of environment, submit to the provincial inspector of the environment protection, the list of names of persons who will execute the right of access. The information contained in the database is made available with the use of information system through public telecommunication network with safe transmission of data. Art. 2 of the Regulation establishes the scope of data required for the environmental management to specified groups of competent authorities.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Regulation enters into force 14 days after publication in the Journal of Laws.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2007 No. 79 Pos. 537
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporzadzenie w sprawie warunkow i zakresu dostepu do wojewodzkiej bazy informacji o korzystaniu ze srodowiska.