Regulation establishing requirements concerning measurement of levels of substances and energy in the environment by managers of road, railroad, tram road, airport or port.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Environment is composed of nine paragraphs and four Annexes. Exploitation of roads, railroads, tram roads, airports and ports must not cause exceeding standards of the environment quality. It relates to introduction of gas or dust into the air, introduction of effluent into waters or ground, wastes production and noise emission. Managers of roads, railroads, tram roads, airports and ports are obliged to periodical measurement of levels of substances or energy in the environment. This Regulation lays down requirements concerning these measurements, and establishes cases when required: (1) permanent measurement of levels of energy in the environment; (2) periodical measurement of levels of indicated substances or energy in the environment; (3) referential methods of measurement; (4) criteria of localization of measurement points; (5) ways of recording results of measurement.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 22 July 2011.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2011 No. 140 Pos. 824
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporzadzenie w sprawie wymagan w zakresie prowadzenia pomiarow poziomow substancji lub energii w srodowisku przez zarzadzajacego droga, linia kolejowa, linia tramwajowa, lotniskiem lub portem.