Regulation on the supervision of identification and registration of animals.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of ten paragraphs lays down: (1) the method of supervision in the field of identification and registration of animals; (2) conditions and method of cooperation of the Veterinary Inspection, Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture and other entities, as regards ensuring the proper functioning of the Animal Identification and Registration System; (3) the way of entering information on the epizootic status of livestock to the register of livestock; (4) the method of entering information on the epizootic status of equidae to the central database; (5) the scope and way of making corrections and additions to data contained in equine registers.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 7 January 2017.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2016 Pos. 2136
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporz dzenie w sprawie wykonywania nadzoru w zakresie identyfikacji i rejestracji zwierz t, wsp pracy organ w Inspekcji Weterynaryjnej, Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa oraz podmiot w prowadz cych rejestry koniowatych, a tak e dokonywania zmian w rejestrze zwierz t gospodarskich oznakowanych, rejestrach koniowatych i centralnej bazie danych.