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Order No. 45 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development validating the Regulation on the activity of operators/groups in organic agriculture.

Type of law

This Order approves the rules regarding the registration of operators/groups of operators in organic agriculture which carries out activities of agricultural production, preparation/processing, distribution/marketing, storage, import, export of organic products or in conversion to organic production. Every year, up to and including May 16, operators/groups of operators carrying out production activities have the obligation to register their activity at the competent authorities in the field of agriculture at the regional level and the municipality of Bucharest. Operators/groups of operators who sell prepackaged organic products directly to the consumer or end user, excluding those who carry out online distribution activities, are exempt from the obligation to register as operators in organic agriculture sector. The conditions that must be met by legally established professional associations in the field of organic agriculture in order to be able to carry out the activities in the field of organic agriculture: (a) to have carried out activity in the field of organic agriculture for at least 5 years; (b) to own subsidiaries and/or branches and/or regional associations; and (c) to be registered in the Directorate for regional agriculture (DAJ)/ Directorate for agriculture of the municipality of Bucharest (DAMB) records within the scope of their activity.
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
ORDIN nr. 45 din 25 februarie 2022 pentru aprobarea regulilor privind nregistrarea activit ii operatorilor/grupurilor de operatori n agricultura ecologic .