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Decree on the implementation of community-led local development from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund in the programming period 2021 2027.

Type of law

This Decree regulates the implementation of community-led local development approach in the programmed period from the year 2021 until the year 2027, in accordance with the partnership agreement between Slovenia and the European Commission for the period 2021-2027, and the program that regulates the implementation of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund in the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2021-2027. Support from community-led local development covers interventions that contribute to enabling a sustainable blue economy in coastal, island and inland regions, promoting the sustainable development of fishing and aquaculture communities, and policy objective 5 "Bringing Europe closer to citizens by promoting sustainable and integrated development of all types of areas and local initiatives" from point e) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of Regulation 2021/1060/EU. This text also regulates the implementation of several thematic EU legislative documents (see point 3).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force on 8 July 2023.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 74/2023
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Uredba o izvajanju lokalnega razvoja, ki ga vodi skupnost, iz Evropskega sklada za pomorstvo, ribi tvo in akvakulturo, v programskem obdobju 2021 2027.