Regulation on conditions for recognition of breeders organizations maintaining or establishing herd books for pure-bred breeding animals of bovine species.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, which is composed of 16 articles, establishes conditions under which breeders organizations maintaining or establishing herd books for pure-bred breeding animals of bovine species, shall be officially recognized. The organization must meet requirements relating to human resources (art. 4), technical conditions (art. 5) and conditions on control and registration of pedigrees (art. 6). In order to be officially recognized, a breeders' organization which maintains or establishes herd books must submit the application to the Minister responsible for livestock production.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 19 December 2003.
Serial Imprint
Official Gazette No. 94/2003
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o pogojih za priznanje rejskih organizacij, ki vodijo ali ustanavljajo rodovni ko knjigo za cistopasemsko plemensko govedo.