Regulation on the criteria of assessment of significant impacts of the implementation of a plan or program in the process of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 16 articles and one Annex, establishes: (a) criteria for assessment of significant impacts of a plan or program on the environment in the process of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA). The Ministry of the Environment must comply with the rules governing the procedure for comprehensive environmental impact assessment for each plan and must assess whether it is likely that the plan will significantly affect the environment, taking into account the characteristics of the plan, the nature of the effects and the areas likely to be affected, and the importance and vulnerability of the area. Detailed criteria for evaluating major impacts are: (a) the characteristics of the plan; (b) the effects and characteristics of areas likely to be affected by the impact of the plan; (c) the importance and vulnerability of the area likely to be affected.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 21 February 2009.
Serial Imprint
Official Gazette No. 9/2009
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Uredba o merilih za ocenjevanje verjetnosti pomembnejsih vplivov izvedbe plana, programa, nacrta ali drugega splosnega akta in njegovih sprememb na okolje v postopku celovite presoje vplivov na okolje.