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Ordinance no. 200/2019 on the support to supply and distribution of fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products for children and pupils in schools.

Type of law
Date of original text

The purpose of this Government Ordinance is to promote consumption of fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products for children and pupils in schools. The present Ordinance, which is composed of 11 articles and three Annexes, establishes provisions concerning financial support from the European Union and from the state budget within the common organisation of agricultural markets. The support is provided to: (a) supply of milk and dairy products for children in kindergartens, for pupils in primary schools, for children and pupils with special educational needs; (b) supply of fruits and vegetables for pupils; (c) acompanying measures including: tasting of dairy products, fruits and vegetables; excursions to a vegetable grower, a fruit orchard, livestock farming where milk is produced, fruit and vegetable processing plant; educational activities related to the objectives of the school program; competitions promoting the consumption of dairy products, fruits and vegetables; planting plants in the outdoor areas of the school; (d) promotion of the school program.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Ordinance entered into force on 10 July 2019.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws No. 200 of 2019
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Nariadenie vl dy o poskytovan pomoci na dod vanie a distrib ciu ovocia, zeleniny, mlieka a v robkov z nich pre deti a iakov v kol ch.