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Law containing rules on prevention and fight against corruption and establish an Anti-corruption Commission, as well as amendment of the Criminal Code and the Domain Land Issuance Decree (Anti-Corruption Law)

Type of law

This Act seeks to prevent corruption and other ('misstand') in public organizations. It establishes an Anti-Corruption Commission entrusted with preventive tasks, the registration of reports of malpractices, and other control functions. the Commission shall issue rules and guidelines for the public sector and shall mainly act as an advisory body, but it may also carry out preventive investigations. The Act lays down procedures for the notification of malpractices to the Commission and the handling of such notifications. The Act also provides for the disclosure to and registration by the Commission of income statements by public officers. It also contains enforcement and penal provisions.
Date of text
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
WET van 24 september 2017, houdende regels inzake preventie en bestrijding van corruptie en instelling van een Anti-corruptie Commissie, alsmede wijziging van het Wetboek van Strafrecht en het Decreet Uitgifte Domein-grond (Anti-corruptiewet) .